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Pokemon Go How To Find Ditto

Are you tired of searching high and low for the sneaky little Ditto in Pokemon Go? Fear not, fellow trainers, because here are some tips and tricks to help you catch the elusive little blob.

Tip 1: Check the Ditto List

If it quacks like a duck... it might be a Ditto!

First things first, check the list of Pokemon that can actually be Ditto in disguise. From Pidgeys to Gulpins, these are the Pokemon that you should focus on catching. Keep in mind, though, that not every Pokemon of these species is guaranteed to be Ditto, so keep your eyes peeled and your Pokeballs ready.

Ditto List

Tip 2: Pay Attention to CP Values

If it's too good to be true... it might be a Ditto!

Ditto disguises itself as a Pokemon of the same CP value, so if you spot a low-CP Pokemon that seems to be much stronger than usual, it could be your lucky day. Give it a shot and see if that sweet little Ditto appears.

Ditto In Disguise

Tip 3: Raid Bosses Can Be Ditto Too

If it's a Raid Boss... it might be a Ditto!

Don't forget to check raid battles for potential Ditto sightings. Not only can they be hiding among the usual suspects, but they can even disguise themselves as raid bosses. Don't be fooled by their towering size and impressive strength, because it could just be our favorite little blob in disguise.

Raid Boss Ditto

Tip 4: Keep Your Pokeballs Ready

If it's a Pokemon... it might be a Ditto!

Lastly, but certainly not least, keep catching as many Pokemon as you can. Ditto can appear in just about any species of Pokemon, so you never know when you might catch the lucky one. Just make sure your Pokeballs are stocked up and always at the ready.

Pokeballs at the Ready

Now that you know these tips, you're well on your way to catching that sneaky little Ditto. Don't give up, because eventually you will catch it and the satisfaction will be sweeter than a Victreebel's nectar. Happy hunting!

Disclaimer: While these tips have worked for some, there is no guarantee that they will work for everyone. Ditto is a tricky little Pokemon, after all. Keep trying and don't get discouraged, because catching one is totally worth it.

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